There are a ton of very useful git cheat sheets around, on top of a great documentation (which is where alongside StackOverflow I find myself when things get fun). I started putting together this list ~3 years ago and finally decided to move from my notepad to here. I’ll be updating this over time.


Permanently remove commits from remote branch

git reset --hard <>
git push --force

Push local branch to remote

git push -u origin <>

Delete local branches for which remote tracking branches have been pruned

Source: StackOverflow

git checkout main
git fetch -p
git branch -vv | grep ': gone]'|  grep -v "\*" | awk '{ print $1; }' | xargs -r git branch -d


Goal Command
List git tag -l
Create annotated tag git tag -a <name> -m "<tag.message>"
Push tag to remote (git push doesn’t work) git push origin --tags
Delete tag local git tag -d <name>
Delete tag remote git push origin --delete <name>


Undo local, unpushed commit(s)

n is number of commits to undo. --soft keep changes, --hard discards commits and doesn’t keep changes.

git reset --soft HEAD~n

Check out file from remote

git checkout origin/<> -- <>


NOTE: I’m not a rebase expert, create backup tag before forcing any changes & proceed with caution.


  1. git checkout <rebase-target-branch>
  2. git checkout -b <intermediate-branch>
  3. Cherry-pick from <work-branch> into <intermediate-branch>
  4. git checkout <work-branch>
  5. git reset --hard <intermediate-branch>
  6. git push --force

Rebase in squash-commit repo

There might be an easier approach, but this has worked quite well. In a repo where PR/MRs follow squash-commit policy, merges from main to feature branches aren’t desired, and feature branch is n merges behind main. To perform a rebase closer to what one would expect (i.e., only feature branch changes on top of main, without existing commits re-hashed):

  • Rebase feature onto updated main
  • Run git reflog, find commit with most recent feature branch commit, note ref (i.e., HEAD@{25})
  • Type q to exit reflog
  • Run git reset --hard HEAD@{n} to discard duplicate changes
  • Run git push --force to update remote and discard duplicate changes in remote


Import submodules recursively

git submodule update --init --remote --recursive

Undo submodule updates locally

git restore . --recurse-submodules

Source: StackOverflow.