Placement Week 45 & 46 (9th Jul - 20th Jul)
Towards the very end of the placement I finally acquired test deployment Microsoft Azure resources which I have been asking for, for months, and thanks to Lee finally got. This meant I could finally deploy the web application and find any issues which are present in a live environment and weren’t observed in the development environment. Luckily, there were only few minor issues noted, which I managed to fix relatively easily.
As at this stage I had successfully deployed both parts of the system on testing environments, and it was important to write up a detailed deployment document so that whoever else needs to deploy, could do so with ease. The document wasn’t particularly long, but then again there was nothing complex to deploy.
At this point I had a relatively stable release ready for user acceptance testing, I had cleaned up the final sprint board and project Phabricator board, done everything related to handover and done with my project as a whole.
The last couple of weeks weren’t particularly productive as everything necessary was complete.
All in all, the project went quite well and apart from some better project management from my side, there’s not a great much I could have done better. I feel like I should write some type of post-mortem of the placement at this point, but if that ends up happening then it will be in whatever format I end up presenting my placement experience to prospective year in industry Comp Sci students.