Cryptography tools
Side project which I took up whilst reading a book on history and developments within field of cryptography (Simon Singh, 1999). The ‘tools’ I’m working on are implementations of various cryptography algorithms and cracking tools for said implementations. Neither of which are intended for anything other than furthering my understanding of cryptography and various pitfalls that can be encountered when dealing with security focussed software (i.e. do not use any these implementations in the real world).
At the time of writing this [2018-09-27], I have completed (I think) my work on Playfair cipher implementation, which adds to Caesar Shift, Vigenere and Monoalphabetic Substitution ciphers which I implemented earlier.
Long term wise, I intend on implementing & test numerous other cryptography algorithms and tools used to break said ciphers and eventually transition to contributing to development of new cryptographic tools or optimising / improving current industry standard tools.
Project GitHub repository:
- Simon Singh (1999). The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy From Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography.